Eyes to see

 I am grateful this morning for eyes to see. To see the pink sky and the clouds and mountains each day. I am thankful for the vibrant leaves. Our tree in front is so vibrant and just starting to drop them on the green grass. The colors are intensely beautiful and I am grateful I can see them. My dad cannot see them. He is dead. But I am here and I can. I can see the truth. I don’t know the truth of all things. But I know that God loveth His children. And even though it is painful and wretched I know the truth about my dad. He is dead. He did horrible things to Clara.  And he lied. He did not want the truth to be known. He hid from it and he tried to hide it from us. For years and years he lied and lied. His life was a lie. I don’t know if he did these horrible things to me and Melissa. I pray he did not do those things to my boys. Pray they will heal and be able to grieve the heavy and heartbreaking truths we do know about their grandpa. But it is still truth and it can set us free. I am thankful for eyes to see. I am thankful to know what is real. I am thankful that the first great truth is that God loves us with all His heart might mind and strength. That’s the first truth. I am thankful to see truth when it is ugly and sad and horrible and also when it is beautiful and startlingly rich. I embrace the truth and my eyes that can see all this beautiful and precious morning. I am thankful to be alive. And one day all the ugliness will be a part of my cloak—woven into the tapestry of my life. The dark stands of truth that will make the bright stand out and shine even brighter. This year of light has had so much darkness. But light shines brightest in the dark. It is most needed then. The light of Chirist in my life has never been more crucial or oft called upon. I praise Him and the Father—my Eternal Father for their love and light and for truth that they are always and will always love me perfectly and truly. And I am thankful to know I have. Mother in Heaven too. I praise Her sacred name and majesty. 

I can get through this with glory when I remember these truths and acknowledge the light and beauty and truth I see every day. 


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