July 13: Alone again …..unnaturally!

 It has been a very unusual day for me! It started with saying goodbye to all of my boys and my husband! They are at a Young Mens camp for our ward tonight and left this morning just after 7 AM. I said goodbye and then came home and got ready for work. Today was the second July teacher workday, and so I went to work and learned about intensive’s, and planned mine out with Mrs. Esplin. We are going to be doing a ghost hunters Story riding in photo taking intensive. I hope it’s fun, and we still need to clarify a few things, but we both got pretty excited about it as we started thinking about it. I think the photography element will be really fun and we’re going to try and do some cool storytelling things to maybe having some guest speakers, and looking into the history of ghost stories in the area.  After the intensive staff, I worked on my curriculum for ninth grade, English, and I cleaned up my bookshelves, a bit, and tidied the room and threw a bunch of stuff away, and started to organize things. It feels much better and more like my room now. I still have more to do, but I made a really good prioritized flow chart using sticky notes like Ryan suggested.  I went to a baby shower for Ashley Haus. She is due any day now… Actually, she’s due in three weeks, but the doctor said she could deliver any day now. She is having a baby girl and I found some really cute things at Walmart that I gave to her. It was fun going to the baby shower. Really nice to see the teachers in a different setting! Well, the same setting, but a different circumstance.  A baby shower is not a lot like collaborating on learning targets and assessments and things! I think I feel more and more comfortable with the other teachers and administrators, which is nice. I found out I will be making more money than I originally thought too which is nice. I guess my paychecks should be right around 1700 each time, which means I’m making about twice what I did when I taught last time! That feels good!  it will definitely help us pay off the car save up for Ryan’s car and go on some fun trips with the boys before they go on their missions! I’m grateful for this gift from God! I was also really struck this evening by the fact that if I’m listening to the spirit, I’m gonna be OK.  I miss the boys a lot and Ryan tonight! This is the first time I’ve been alone in the house since I’ve had kids… I’ve been alone before, but never in our house, since I’ve been a mom! It’s a very strange feeling! I worked until about 830, stopped at cupbop to get dinner  And then came home tidied up a bit fed the cats and now I’m watching the chosen. I said my prayers though tonight and I was just thinking whatever I’m doing whatever the boys are doing whether I’m at home or at work whether they’re here or far away, I need to listen to the spirit. I need to be worthy of the Holy Ghost and listen, and he does promptings!  As I do that, it just doesn’t matter. What happens if I built on the rock which is Jesus Christ I will have the spirit with me and if I listen, I will be OK. We had a bit of a scare last night with William. He is not supposed to take DayQuil or NyQuil with his medication, and I didn’t realize that. I just happened to look it up,  After he mentioned that he’s been feeling really weird all day. I felt absolutely horrible. Ryan gave him a blessing, and he went to sleep, and this morning he felt better, but I have just felt so bad that he went through that, and it could’ve been much worse like really, really bad! I need to do a better job of following up with things with his doctor. I don’t know that this medication is right for him and he really thinks it is not.  There’s so many things I want to do in a day. Today was a good day, William is feeling better, the boys are having a good time, they are safe. And I worked for 12 hours and got a lot of stuff done for school and made some friends and have felt the spirit. What a blessed day.  Tomorrow is a new day, and right now my only plan was to try and either work more at school or put in the wallpaper in Peter‘s room. I think I did enough at school today that I will focus on the house and getting his wallpaper done. That would be a really fun surprise when he gets home!  However, whatever I end up doing, I want to be able to listen to the spirit. And I feel like I should at least spend an hour tomorrow making phone calls! There are just so many people to call… So many doctors, people to follow up with about appointments Dentist, Orthodontist, car, registration people, insurance, so many calls , and it’s honestly really hard for me to focusing on those when the boys and Ryan are around. I end up getting distracted or I don’t wanna be on the phone too much, and then if they’re off doing something in the evening, and everything is closed! So tomorrow I will plan on taking a good hour to make phone calls in between the wallpaper and such. Also, I need to buy crickets,  and I need to get gas in the car. The other thing that might happen tomorrow is that my sweet little baby sister Madi might have a baby! Here’s another scare… She has an elevated liver enzyme that could be potentially very dangerous for the baby. They checked on him today… She just found out about it yesterday, and the doctor is concerned enough that she may induce labor tomorrow. Madi will be at 37 weeks, the baby is 7 pounds, so he should be just fine! James was my biggest and he was 7 lbs. 1 oz. It was good to talk to her today. She is nervous, and understandably, but I feel like everything is going to be OK. I just wish my mom and Stan would drive up there and be available for her. They don’t want to be in the way, and she said they would be just fine. But I wish someone was closer by so they could be there for her. It’s strange having her so far away! Especially at such a critical time as this. I love her and I’m so excited for her to be a mom, but it is a little scary. I asked the boys and Ryan to pray for her and I will continue to do the same. I know she’s going to be OK and so all the baby it just might be a little complicated at first.  I’m starting to get sleepy. Finally, it’s so hard to sleep when Ryan’s not here with me, but I know the boys are safe with him and he’s OK and I’m so grateful for this beautiful and unusual for me day. 


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