April 2: Beautiful Savior

 Conference today was wonderful and I especially loved President Nelson’s talk about being a peacemaker and avoiding contention. It was so inspired and inspiring. And today while we were practicing our song for next week I felt so grateful for my life. Thankful for my life here in Ogden in this home and this ward and this. Eihhbirhood. I felt thankful for the young women. I felt thankful for the leaders. I felt especially thankful for my boys and for the blessing it is to sing with them. I felt the Soirit abundantly witnessing to me that Christ is brighter than any lift because He is the light. And I felt that He is fairer than all the woodlands and all the soringtimes be me cause of Him they live. And we all may live again. I love and adore Him. I am thankful for this Easter week and for the answer to my question during conference. This is our home and we will love and love here still. And I am not soo old. Much to die and love and live right here. 


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