April 15

 A beautiful day! Blue skies. Chilly, but so sunny. Felt like spring today. We had our fish dinner this evening and a fire in the fire pit. The first one of 2023. The snow is all melted from our yard and home and things are turning green. We have our first flower in our garden. 

The boys had a fishing birthday party today. Peter worked out and realized he likes Autumn more than he thought he did. We took care of Dolly. And Ryan wins father of the year for buying an Xbox live membership for James to be able to play Valheim with his bros and dad. Without telling him what he did. He is such a sweetheart. Went to the library and the pet store and Costco and Walmart. Finished folding and hanging olio all the laundry today. Dishes are done. Home is clean. AJ and Sarah came to play. Chris played with the boys—some monster Hunter on the switch. James played cops and robbers with Ellis and mikes and Sam and Eliza. I read a bit and watched a chosen episode. I really like that show! 

Today I was reminded when I prayed that we only need to keep trying our best. That we have covenanted with God and Christ as they will

Help us as we terry. They have given us the way to return to them and they will help us every step of the way. Th path is marked and There love can cast out fear mi loved the conference talks today that I listened too. 

I have some chest pain today. I hope it’s nothing serious. Time to sleep my life is all about learning and gaining experience and learning to love ourself God and others. Increasing our capacity to live. And learning to rely on Christ and His grace. I love Him. So thankful for His love. 


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