March 9, 2023

 A beautiful Thursday! It was nice to be home with the boys. James still has a runny nose and cough. But throat is feeling a bit better. I am happy to say he felt well enough to go to his first SLC at venture. Last one he was sick. I wish we could have spoken more to his teachers and William’s. It was a bit unorganized. They are such amazing boys. So good to me and to each other. And loved by those who get to know them. And sweet Pete did a great job presenting his work to us—Ryan was able to come too. He’s getting all A’s and doing really well. I am so proud of him too. Done well with so many things going on I hope the boys can enjoy the rest of their long weekend. It’s been fun today to be outside a bit, to watch Freaky Friday this evening together, and to eat some good food. I am so tired, but feel very thankful for my life. And for my amazing and good and kind family. I am thankful for Jesus. His love and life and the hope that comes through Him every day. 


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