February 19: Be ye therefore perfect….through Christ

 Meaning be complete, be fulfilled, and made whole through Christ. I am so thankful for Him and His love. I am complete with my small offering of what I can do now when I allow Christ to make up the rest of the circle—complete it. And complete me. What I can do now is a moving target—in some ways, but what it basically means is that I try my hardest to do the best I can each day. And I pray for forgiveness each day—repent each day and keep trying. 

I have felt so grateful for His love today. I need to help Peter feel more comfortable in his own skin in his own home. I need to help him feel like he can just be himself. He was a few times today when we were watching the Chosen. We both love that show so much. And when we went for a walk today there were a few moments then. He makes me laugh when he laughs really hard. It’s fun to see. 

William needs to know that he is loved and that he is God’s son and that Christ stoned for each of us. I want Will to feel comfortable making mistakes and letting us know and repenting when he needs to and trying again. Like we all do. He can be so hard on himself. 

And I hope James can also feel loved and secure and comfortable being himself. And also that he can continue to develop his social skills and his empathy. He is so much further along in this that most boys his age! I love listening to him talk to his friends. He is kind and helpful and a good listener. 

Ryan is such a good dad. He played Blood and Snow with us tonight. He was the GM and we were all learning and I was impressed by how patient he was and how flexible as we were all learning together. I hope and pray Ryan and all the boys can feel God’s love and have the direction from the Spirit that they seek and that they can draw closer to Christ and have faith in Him. With Him they can do all things. 


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