February 18: Sick days can be okay…

 James continues to feel not great—headache keeps coming back, but not as strong. He hasn’t thrown up since the middle of the night, but had had diarrhea and stomach cramps. And we’ve given him Dramamine. He’s been sick. And he seems sick when he’s sick. He’s a sweetie and fell asleep on the couch. We had to help ihim into his bed. And it reminded me of when he was much younger. Ryan was so sweet with him. I love my boys. I love Ryan. Freya is being seeet right now too. We’re going to try letting her sleep in our room again tonight. Ryan and I have both felt off too. My stomach has hurts and I’m felt just weird. But I can be grateful. Lots of good stuff in my life. Lots of Gatorade and other sodas and lots of crackers. Lots of love and blankets and medicine that can be helpful. And lots of help from William and Peter who are feeling pretty good still. I think we all kind of feel like ticking time bombs though. 


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