February 13: Happy is not thinking about being happy

 Learned a lot today about happiness and growth and so many things about how our thinking and expectations impact our feelings. Our thinking about feeling can lead us to feel something we don’t want to! When I try and check in and see if I’m happy I automatically start feeling less happy. I need to be careful not to ask the boys how they’re doing fifty times a day. But instead talk to them. Do stuff with them that they want to do and I want to do. Be there for them. Listen to them. Love them. I do. So much. Peter had rehearsal until 8 tonight!! So late🤞🏽 Will fired a lot with my mom in their fire pit. Stan is a teoooper. I did lots of good stuff at home today and got caught up on some things. And went o Costco. We also buoy cairns which was fun. I love my Savior so much. I am thankful for His love and forgiveness. Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. Gonna try to show love by listening tomorrow. And by having fun. 


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