February 1: No Fear

 Feeling grateful for a new month. February is a fear not month. Because it is filled with love which casteth out all fear. I am proud of my courageous boys who go to school every day and face challenges I don’t have to anymore and things —lots of things I’ve never had to face. And I’m proud of William and James who tried out for Annie today! Their first time trying out for a musical. I am so proud and grateful to be their mom. I’m proud of Peter for lots of brave things he does. For being vulnerable. For texting Makay. For trying new things like CrossFit. And I sure love Ryan and I’m amazed at his courage to have a nerf party and provide all the blasters Ana darts and everything. It has been a very busy and full day. And I am so tired now. I ran around and played the games with the youth. And I am tired. I don’t run very much usually. I’m thankful for our ward and our nerighbirs and our calling s. I am thankful that I need not fear because of Christ and His perfect love and light. Their is no darkness in love. It’s a beautiful new month. When I feel sorry and fear well you inside me I’m going to name it and try and figure out where it’s coming from. And breathe through it. And try and move from fear into love. I can do all things through Christ. I love Him so much. 


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