January 1 pt. 2
It was wonderful being there today as James was ordained to the office of a deacon. He now holds the priesthood. And he was both serious overall and happy about it. Ryan gave him a beautiful blessing as well. Blessed him that he would feel the Spirit more and follow the Savior in serving others. And blessed him with a knowledge of our love and an ability to reach out to us or his leaders or older brothers if he needed help or had questions. And of course to reach out to his Heavenly Father in prayer.
I was so grateful and happy and proud of James and Ryan. And Peter and William helped with the sacrament as they do each week and did so nobly and worthily. And we had a great afternoon together and got some things done. Enjoyed the Sabbath day and enjoyed time together while the Yorgasons were with Greg’s mom. It was nice and calm and quiet. And so good to be together as a family. And we had come follow me and talked about the new year.
I’m so thankful it is 2023. I want to be more clear and kind in all I do, but especially in communication. I don’t want to hurt feelings, but then I end up doing just that and feeling resentful too. It had been very difficult this time with Melissa and and Greg and family. We need to be honest and clear and kind as we communicate with them so that we can have healthy relationships. It’s been tough. And felt stressful.
William did a great one shot DnD campaign. Peter made tablets out of foam with Ryan’s help. James watched Freya. And helped Harry create a DnD character. Lots of good and beautiful stuff today. And more snow which is always nice. .
Feeling grateful for the new year and all the chances to learn and grow an so better and keep trying and have a chance to grow in light and allow light into my conversations and mind and relationships. I am thankful that He is the light.
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