Month of Gratitude
Today I am so thankful for Ryan. He stayed up a lot of the night with Peter who was throwing up. And gave him a priesthood blessing too. He worked from home today so he could be here with him while I went to work. And he loves me and thinks I’m beautiful even when I am tired and not looking my best. And he loves our boys and makes them costumes and teaches them to work hard and have fun and listen to me. He is kind and wise and loving. And am so grateful to be his wife. And thankful he gave me three amazing boys. Who bring us so much joy. And I’m thankful Peter is feeling better. And I’m thankful Peter and William and I could go for a walk today up on the Lake street road. And I’m thankful for James’ hugs. And how much he loves his brothers. And his parents. I love my family with all I have and all I am. I am thankful too that my job is changing so I can be more my best self around my family and be less worried and stressed about work. And also have more time at Venture with the boys. Especially Peter since I’ll be at the high school.
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