Happy Hopeful Sabbath

 Yet in thy dark streets shineth the everlasting light. The hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight….

A beautiful happy Sabbath, and tonight we lit the candle or hope in our advent “wreath” candelabra. We had a great day at church. I was so proud of Peter giving his talk about the new Strength of Youth guide. I felt the Spirit and I am so grateful for my wonderful boys who are gaining testimonies of the Savior and seeking to follow Him. 

And we had our three new girls come to Young Women’s today which made me so happy! And my meetings went well and we have great things planned for December. And instead of a daily conference talk I’m going to listen to a daily Christmas devotional talk. I love these talks! 

I plan to simplify my Christmas. To focus on the things that matter most. And to spend less money and more time.  I will focus on Jesus Christ and serving my family and others with love. 


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