June 27-30: Young Women’s Camp and Fears Faced!
I need to just post a whole load of pictures up here. And I need to say that I climbed a pole and walked on a wire holding on to these ropes and then zip lined through the forest. I was sooooo scared. But I did it. And my friends and I cried. And my young women were so proud. And the lady at the end of the wire said I was her hero. And I cried and was so happy and so glad I did it. And I felt so grateful to be reminded that I need not fear. And that perfect love casteth out all dear. I love my Savior so much. He loves me and can empower me through His infinite and loving atonement. How grateful I am for His love. And His perfect love casteth out all dear. I love how that scripture and that truth and the study of Charity this year are all connected to the scripture Trust in the Lotd..the theme for the youth this year. Trust is love and love casts out fear. And love brings joy. I also thing it brings peace and hope and all the good things. Still learning about how they are all connected.
But I know fear is cast out by love. And I know I don’t need to be so afraid all the time.
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