July 26: Ryan’s 44th Birthday

 A few days ago I was feeling so sick, I honestly thought we might have to postpone any type of celebration for Ryan’s birthday. And I felt sad about that idea, but also, I was pretty sick and a little scared too and sleep-deprived. And I didn’t think about it too much. I was worried I might actually die of dehydration! 

So today has been a win. And I love my husband and I think he’s a had a pretty great birthday overall. But I want to plan things a little better next year. And maybe do something a little more memorable and unusual. Not sure what yet. A backpacking trip? A day on the river? Uintahs? Not sure. 

The fun thing about being married to Ryan is being able to hangout every day and figure new things out together as we go. We try and be worthy of the Spirir. We try and listen and obey. We repent when we mess up. We try to be motivated by love and not fear. And we learn when we mess up. 

I think he has a great day. The Thor movie was better than I expected, but not great. He likes his gifts. He loves us. The cake and ice cream were yummy. We had more family over than I expected tonight. The flautas from Sonora were so yummy!

Tomorrow we get back to normal after a pretty odd week. And I am grateful to be alive, to have my family and to have celebrated my husbands 44th birthday. I no longer like the rate of Diet Coke. Weird. I know the importance of drinking a lot of water. I appreciate our air conditioning so much—even though it’s noisy. I am grateful for the Savior and His atonement and love. Grateful for all He has done for me. 

And keep on asking that question “What does love look like here and now?” 

Oh and sweet Chris has COVID! Big frowning  face. 


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