June 3: First day of summer fun and self care

 Written for Friday, June 3…on June 4th at 5:21 in the morning!

A beautiful and fun first day of summer! The weather was sunny and bright and it felt like summer— felt good to be alive and together.  

The highlights of the day include a neighborhood water party in our backyard and our first library trip up to the Ogden Valley library. The boys got all signed up for Summer Reading and we happened to get there just as they were starting a super smash bros tournament! 

The fam is beautiful and much more full than it has been in a year! Thankful to Heavenly Father for the rain and the incredible surroundings here—for the mountains and trees and flowers and sky. So peaceful and glorious up there yesterday and down here too. Well, the water right wasn’t peaceful. But it was beautiful and glorious. 

I’m the evening we ate Chinese food and watched the new episodes of Obi-Wan and Alone. So much fun. I really enjoy both of those shows and we all do. It’s so fun to have these moments together. I love spending that time together every Friday as a family. A fun tradition to be sure. 

Zoe Mosher called me in the middle of Alone and asked for a ride to a church function in Layton. Ryan and I took her to it. It wasn’t our church, but I was glad she felt comfortable asking for help. And glad we could do it. And I’m the way we saw the Layton temple. It is so beautiful and I felt the Spirit as I saw it —as we turned the corner and there it was. I need to get back to going to the temple every week. 

I need to take better care of my spirit and  body. Ryan shows me this inspired and inspiring movie about self care. Need to watch it more and share it with others. I love it. I love my Savior and my God. I know they love my family and me.  They love each one of us perfectly and want our happiness. And that comes from learning how to love as they love. 

Perfect love casteth out all fear!

And I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me!


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