June 10: Strep day, new job sign ups, and the temple

 It was a beautiful, full day! Good to have time with the sickies while Peter was at work. Ryan worked from home which is always good. It really is so nice to have him home. The little boys rested and recuperated while I did some work around the house and made sure they were hydrated and properly medicated. It was nice to  listen to them visit and okay go fish together. I love how they get along so well. Peter had a great second day at work and then was able to go hang out with Sam and Ben and Davison. And had a great time. Will and James watched Jurassic park. Prepping for the new movie! I got fingerprinted and signed up for my new job in the afternoon! And then went to the temple to do initiatories. So good to be there again. It had been a little while. I felt inspired and grateful. These words came to mind while I was there: joy, love, light, power, connection, sisterhood and brotherhood, Sun, Son. I felt infused with light and power and love and part of something so much bigger than me. So thankful for Jesus Christ and His love. Making it possible for us to become like our Heavenly Parents some day. 

Had our pizza and movie night and continued our Alone season watching. And then the boys were not contagious and we went outside for a while. Ryan played William ball with the boys using the street hockey sticks. So fun. I mowed. Beautiful warm day. So summery, in spite of strep. Grateful for so many blessings and hugs and love and beauty and flowers and laughter. 


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