Sunday chicken & rice, Graham & Michael, irises and jars
Been a beautiful, rainy Sunday. Church was just wonderful. I love being able to take the sacrament each week to renew my covenants and receive those amazing blessings. Plus the talks and lessons and meetings were inspiring and helpful too. The young women are doing well—those who are coming, and I’m loving working with the other leaders. Amazing how some people who are good friends are great to work with, and other good friends are really challenging to work with. Grateful to be working with Lyndsey Winger. She and her husband are such a blessing to our ward and neighborhood. After church Mike and Graham came to visit. And they okayed and Graham loved Asia and Mike took a little nap. I made rice and chicken sauce and salad. And we had ice cream for dessert. And it was nice to just have them comfortably here with us. After they left and Asia went back home with Tracy and Jared things were calm and quiet. Which was nice and homey and felt good. Good to have the company and good to have the calm after. The boys helped me fill glass jars with irises and snowballs after we had relaxed for an hour or so. And we all five went to the cemeteries with our homegrown flowers. It was so nice. It was rainy and a little cold. There was mist and fog on the road, and we visited Grandma and Grandpa Thompson’s graves, and Wayne’s, and Norma Slater’s. And then we went to Mary Saunders’ grave. And finally Grandma and Grandpa Keyes.
A beautiful and memorable day and night. We had prayer and tucked the boys in bed and then I told them stories about another great grandpa—Lyman Ballif. They loved those stories about him flying all over the world and coming home whenever he could to be with his wife and kids.
And now to bed. I am grateful tonight. And more rain now. Life is good. Thank you Heavenly Father for this life, for my loved ones, and for the rain.
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