There's too much every day for me to NOT write!
I have been trying to see myself as something other than an "Obliger". I took the Gretchen Rubin "Four Tendencies" test last week, because when I took it the first time I thought I had maybe gotten the wrong answer. The first time it looked like I was an "Upholder". Upholders (gonna drop the quotation marks here) are people that keep all obligations all the time. They keep commitments to others and to themselves. They do what they say they will do. They don't agree to do something they won't be able to do because they are so committed to doing what they commit to. They are very committed, is what I'm trying to say.
Obligers on the other hand keep commitments they make to others, but not to themselves. So if I decide I'm going to be at my son's class every Tuesday to help with math, and I make that commitment to him and to his teacher, then by gum I am going to be there....even if maybe I have rheumatic fever. But if I decided that I don't want to eat sugar anymore and I'm committed to cut it out of my life, then if I'm an obliger I don't feel the same level of pressure to do's "just" me, after all.
Obligers get burned out from helping everyone else and they forget to help themselves sometimes. But lots of successful people are obligers...because they make other people feel good, and happy, and taken care of. Obligers also can be really unhealthy, and sometimes unhappy because they are not taking care of themselves.
I might retake the test again.
The thing I have been thinking most lately is that I need to quit the comparisons. Like...right now. It's so easy to compare myself to others anyways, but especially with the Cashes next door. It's nearly constant unless I am mindful about it. Which I'm working on.
Anyways, I have committed to write every day for at least ten minutes. And I'm going to keep at it until it's a real habit that doesn't go away! There are so many things I want to record each day, and if I don't record it right away it's gone forever! My memory is not perfect!
Today is December 3rd. We've had our first really big snowstorm of the year. We have about six inches out on the lawn. It is breathtakingly beautiful out there. I love it, but I don't always love driving in it. Today I drove Ryan down to the airport. We had to leave before 5 this morning. Many plows were out, but the roads were really slick and scary coming home by the mouth of Weber Canyon. It was ice. And there were cars and buses going too fast along there. I survived though. And I even survived a near crash when I slipped and careened off the road into a driveway on my way home from Greenwood. I feel like a snow driving veteran now. I have my stories and I can't be quite a ruffled by a few flakes now.
The boys are excited about the snow too. The littles were out playing in it before school. I love it when they are all bundled up from head to toe. There's something so satisfying in knowing that they are warm and the snow is not going to freeze them. I'm sure its a primal, maternal instinct. I love it when they wear coats, not to mention snow pants, boots, hats, gloves, scarves and extra jackets.
I hope they are having a good day at school.
When I got home from taking them I did a quick shoveling at the Brown''s William's job, but obviously he's at school and I wanted it to be easy for them to get out.
Then I visited with Molly and now I really should take a nap. And I will. I'll have some delicious lunch and try to sleep. And Ryan is flying over the country right now and will be just fine in Chicago until Thursday. And we will be just fine too. I miss him. I got a little teary when we hugged at the airport. Partly I feel some anxiety about him being gone during snowy weather when I am not at my peak health....and partly I worry that something bad will happen to him whiles he's gone. Mostly I just really love him and like him and I'm going to miss having him around in the evenings.
But we are going to do all the things he doesn't like doing: gingerbread houses, Christmas lights....that maybe it, but we're going to do it!
And I'll be sure to write about what we do every day because it's a lot, and I want to remember it. My life is very good and blessed. I loved the First Presidency Devotional last night. Best one ever. I think. I love my life right now. I love this Christmas. And I'm not comparing it to anyone else's or to any other year. Because each year and each family is so different. This Christmas will be the best one for the Keyes Family in 2018!!!
Obligers on the other hand keep commitments they make to others, but not to themselves. So if I decide I'm going to be at my son's class every Tuesday to help with math, and I make that commitment to him and to his teacher, then by gum I am going to be there....even if maybe I have rheumatic fever. But if I decided that I don't want to eat sugar anymore and I'm committed to cut it out of my life, then if I'm an obliger I don't feel the same level of pressure to do's "just" me, after all.
Obligers get burned out from helping everyone else and they forget to help themselves sometimes. But lots of successful people are obligers...because they make other people feel good, and happy, and taken care of. Obligers also can be really unhealthy, and sometimes unhappy because they are not taking care of themselves.
I might retake the test again.
The thing I have been thinking most lately is that I need to quit the comparisons. Like...right now. It's so easy to compare myself to others anyways, but especially with the Cashes next door. It's nearly constant unless I am mindful about it. Which I'm working on.
Anyways, I have committed to write every day for at least ten minutes. And I'm going to keep at it until it's a real habit that doesn't go away! There are so many things I want to record each day, and if I don't record it right away it's gone forever! My memory is not perfect!
Today is December 3rd. We've had our first really big snowstorm of the year. We have about six inches out on the lawn. It is breathtakingly beautiful out there. I love it, but I don't always love driving in it. Today I drove Ryan down to the airport. We had to leave before 5 this morning. Many plows were out, but the roads were really slick and scary coming home by the mouth of Weber Canyon. It was ice. And there were cars and buses going too fast along there. I survived though. And I even survived a near crash when I slipped and careened off the road into a driveway on my way home from Greenwood. I feel like a snow driving veteran now. I have my stories and I can't be quite a ruffled by a few flakes now.
The boys are excited about the snow too. The littles were out playing in it before school. I love it when they are all bundled up from head to toe. There's something so satisfying in knowing that they are warm and the snow is not going to freeze them. I'm sure its a primal, maternal instinct. I love it when they wear coats, not to mention snow pants, boots, hats, gloves, scarves and extra jackets.
I hope they are having a good day at school.
When I got home from taking them I did a quick shoveling at the Brown''s William's job, but obviously he's at school and I wanted it to be easy for them to get out.
Then I visited with Molly and now I really should take a nap. And I will. I'll have some delicious lunch and try to sleep. And Ryan is flying over the country right now and will be just fine in Chicago until Thursday. And we will be just fine too. I miss him. I got a little teary when we hugged at the airport. Partly I feel some anxiety about him being gone during snowy weather when I am not at my peak health....and partly I worry that something bad will happen to him whiles he's gone. Mostly I just really love him and like him and I'm going to miss having him around in the evenings.
But we are going to do all the things he doesn't like doing: gingerbread houses, Christmas lights....that maybe it, but we're going to do it!
And I'll be sure to write about what we do every day because it's a lot, and I want to remember it. My life is very good and blessed. I loved the First Presidency Devotional last night. Best one ever. I think. I love my life right now. I love this Christmas. And I'm not comparing it to anyone else's or to any other year. Because each year and each family is so different. This Christmas will be the best one for the Keyes Family in 2018!!!
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