"So how exactly does that work, Mom?"

It has been forever since I've written on this blog.  I have missed it.  I think I will be the only one to read it, probably, but it is so good for me to go back and read it.  It's good that it's legible, and that I have occasionally included pictures so I can see how much the boys have grown.  Today is September 28, 2018.  I am 39 year old, and have been for 8 days.  It's been very good so far.

There is so much that has happened since last April.  I recorded some of it in my Radiant Mermaid blog.  And I may use that blog again, but this one somehow seems more fitting for my life right now.  The Radiant Mermaid blog was about a journey...from April 18 to September 20. And although things did not go the way I had planned, and the road trip had many detours, and maybe even a different destination, it has been well-worth the trip.  I did not lose 50 lbs, and I did not see Dr. Whitehead.  I also have felt very strongly that I need to focus on a whole bunch of other things right now....I will blog more about those 5 (and now 6 things at a later date).

My birthday was wonderful.  I had time alone, and time with family, and time with friends.  I went to the temple, and to buy flowers and pumpkins on my actual birthday.  And then had cake and ice-cream with my family in the evening.  The next day we went to the ward campout at Camp Atoka, and it was so good to be there with friends and neighbors.  I kept thinking over and over again, "I love my life."  And I truly do.  The leaves were brilliant and it was cool enough for a jacket.  I love this time of year more than ever!

The day after we had a party here at the house with friends.  We played games and ate cake and it was so nice to have people here that I love who love me and to be able to entirely be myself around them.  We had the Cashes, the Corbridges, the Kellers and the Browns.  They have been, and continue to be amazing friends to me and my family.  I am a better person today because of them.  And how wonderful that our children can all play together, and we even had a big kid's movie playing at the Cashes, and a little kids movie playing at our home.  Kind of an amazing game changer having the Cashes next door.

Sunday we had a birthday dinner and cake and ice cream at my mom's for me and Desmond who just turned six.  He is adorable and I was happy to be able to share a party with the little tyke.  And it was lovely to spend time with my siblings (other than Mel, who was at a conference in San Diego, and Chris who lives in Oregon).  I am excited to say that Nick (who proposed back in August) and Anna (who has a ring from Michael headed her way) were there too, and feel very much like family already.

And then Monday the boys had no school and we rested and did a bit of cleaning and spent some time with my mom and then we finally got back to school after the long celebratory weekend.

And Tuesday was a hard day at school for William.  He was teased (or so he thought), and a boy at school called him "fat"...and I was so angry and upset and wanted to take him out of school and homeschool him.  Plus I was worried about the fact that James felt that school was really easy and boring, and Peter may need to be tested for dyslexia.  Tuesday I felt like withdrawing from the world and building up our defenses and keeping my kids safe and close.

Tuesday night we had an amazing personal finances class.  They have all been amazing and so good for me and Ryan.  That is another big change, that deserves it's own blog post or two.  Our finances and our relationship (which was already wonderful and amazing) have both grown and gotten even stronger, healthier and more fulfilling.  But this past Tuesday the first part of the lesson was about solving problems...and I realized that so often I try and remove the problems from my kids, rather than teaching them tools and skills to be able to solve their own problems for themselves.  Another post there...or two.

Wednesday I taught those skills to William after school.  He had had a much better day at school, and felt more optimistic than he had about his class, and his friends at school than I had seen him in a long time.  And we talked about how to solve problems, and some ways that help us not be so hurt by what others say.  We decided confidence is knowing....1.  I am loved.  2. I like myself. and 3. I can help others.

It was so good to feel like I was able to do something to help him, by teaching him how to help himself.  Not my typical mamma bear instinct, but I think as my little cubs get bigger I'm gonna need to be doing more of this kind of teaching.  And it really does feel good.

Thursday I felt pretty sick, and James was seeming worse too.  He had a cough for a week and a half and then his nose started running.  I sent all the kids to school any who...and they wanted to go, which is nice...and then I watched Clara for a while, and rested up a bit.  That evening we had a cub scout carnival, which was a lot more fun that it sounds, and then I took James to the Instacare with me where we found out that we have strep throat.  Not a good thing for either of us to have.

We started on the antibiotics that night, and then Friday morning when Peter and Will woke up with sore throats I decided we would all just stay home and recuperate.

As I was discussing with James the plan for the day...that all the boys would stay home, but that I would have to still take our friends to school (their mom had asked for help in drop offs for two days) James paused, confused, and asked me, "So, how exactly does that work, Mom? You are sick, and Dad already left for work.  Do you just take them when you are sick?!"

I realized that James was having a moment of understanding....he was experiencing empathy, and was realizing that part of being a parent means doing things even when you are sick.  It was so sweet that he understood that parents make sacrifices, and he and I were both touched by the short, important conversation on my bed as we both felt lousy with strep throat.

I had a fever a lot of the day, and I threw up a lot last night (It's now Saturday morning), but we also had some really nice times together at home being sick.  And last night we had lasagna and movie night...Ryan made dinner and the boys and I watched Ice Age 3.  It was a good evening.  I love my life.

I'm trying to work on my book today, and feeling a little overwhelmed by the idea of it, but I think I need to just give myself some small goals and do them...step by step.  And make sure I have that time set aside to work on writing.

I actually made myself a pretty good daily pattern (schedule) on Thursday that I feel excited about.  There is so much good stuff in my life!


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